PMD waste

Please remember to set out your PMD waste after 7.00 PM the day before your scheduled collection to maintain sidewalk cleanliness and accessibility, and to avoid attracting animals.

Correct disposal time

PMD waste should only be placed by the roadside or on designated hooks after 7.00 PM the day before your collection day. Adhering to this schedule helps keep our community tidy and minimizes the risk of waste being scattered by animals. For your next collection date, visit 

Alternative disposal options

If storing PMD bags until the collection day is challenging, they can be dropped off at no cost at our waste disposal stations in Mijdrecht and Abcoude. Please bring your waste separation card. 

Benefits of using PMD bags

Utilizing PMD bags not only frees up space in your residual waste bin but also allows for the collection of valuable recyclable materials, reducing the volume of residual waste in our community. 

Availability of PMD bags

Running low on PMD bags? They are available for free at local supermarkets, service points, the town hall, and our waste disposal stations. For information on what qualifies as PMD waste, please consult our website. 

Feel free to call or email us with any questions

For any inquiries or additional information, contact us at +31 297 29 16 16 or via